421 North Main

Jacksboro, Texas 76458


Your independently owned welding supply for over 40 years.

We stock what the others don’t!

Please check out the companies we represent on our products page.  Our direct lines to vendors bring a variety of great products at reasonable stock picture1prices, that is what keeps our doors open and our customers coming back!

While most companies are out to capture the Internet mail order crowd, we are focusing on our walk in customers and our local manufacturers.  We don't over extend ourselves as many companies do.  And on occasion, we pass off to one of our valued regional business partners.

If you do have a need for a product, please feel free to call us, we will do our best to answer you question, and will ship to you as needed!



Experience, trust and relationships... All the things we hope you want and will find with us. 

Jacksboro Welding Supply, Inc. is a full service facility.  We service what we sell, and often go beyond what is expected to help our customers meet their goals.  Our Inventory is large, and often our available products exceed what the big chains want you to think they have.  stock picture4

We know our customers like to find the products they want when they walk in the door.  If you have money in hand and need a product, the excitement is gone when you are told “we can order that.”

We don’t stock everything, no one can.  But we hear everyday, “you have more here than store x.”  Our customers reap the benefits of a locally owned store owned locally by someone that has had experience in the welding field.  Some products just don’t work, and we don’t have room for them here!

Our friendly knowledgeable staff will guide you through your purchase and will find out what they don’t know by asking questions.

Jacksboro Welding Supply, Inc.


Website is property of Jacksboro Welding Supply, Inc.

Logos and respective trademarks are the property of the companies they represent.

Contact us by typing the email address shown here >>jwsemail-logo
